Super Bowl Trailer Trifecta II: Cowboys & Aliens, Super 8, Pirates of the Caribbean 4
? Of these three TV spots, I’m calling Cowboys & Aliens the big winner. It showed some new footage, looked interesting, looked action-packed, and looked pretty damn cool, too. Yes, jumping onto an alien spaceship/drone/whatever from a horse is incredibly silly, but silly in a fun, massively entertaining way. Also, this trailer implied that Olivia Wilde was naked at one point, and while I’m sure nothing R-rated will be in the movie, I will be buying a movie ticket purely to show my support of this idea. The other two trailers after the jump.
? Two things I noticed about this trailer for J.J. Abrams’ new monster flick Super 8: 1) how much it looks and feels like an ’80s Spielberg movie, and 2) how little that makes me want to see it. I’m not denying the talent needed to replicate a classic Spielbergian alien flick, but Spielberg himself made plenty of classic Spielbergian alien flicks, and I don’t really need another. Would it kill Abrams to show a shot of the alien, you know, doing something? Busting out of its container, killing a dude, phoning home? Something?
? The Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides TV spot is pretty much just a shorter version of the recently released full trailer. Same with the Battle: LA TV spot too, actually. I only posted this one so I could have another trifecta, and because I support Ian McShane doing anything.