Students Create Nuclear Fission Using Only Mousetraps and Ping Pong Balls
From the YouTube description:
This was an assignment for A.P. Chemistry class at Horizon Science
Academy Cleveland high school. The students collaborated with the
school’s video club in order to make the movie. There are only about
300 traps with 600 balls in this video. We plan on going bigger soon.Special Thanks to Tomcat ( for donating the mouse traps and for donating the balls. We couldn’t have done this without your support.
Several Fingers were harmed in the making of this video.
For god’s sake, I hope these kids have been whisked away to some super-secret research lab to use their incredibly talents for the U.S. And the rest of us normal people need to join the armed forces now, to keep the mousetraps and ping pong balls out of the hands of the terrorists! Scan all airline passengers for ping pong balls and mousetraps! Make mice an endangered species! Cut all scenes of beer pong out of popular college movies! It’s the only way to be safe!