
Voltron, Forced

There’s a new clip from the upcoming Voltron Force cartoon showcasing Voltron forming. Again, the robots and Voltron look good, but man the character designs and the 2-D animation are awful. Why is everyone just sitting there smiling idiots? Are they really that pleased to be forming Voltron, even though they’re in the middle of a battle? Seriously, this is bordering on Legend of Zelda Phillips CD-i game awful. It also does not help that the main brat tries to yell “And I’ll form the head!” while Voltron actually forms, which is perhaps the douchiest thing any character could possibly do in a Voltron cartoon. No, you won’t form the head, Daniel. You’re not driving the black lion. You’re sitting in the back, and if you don’t shut up, I’m not going to let you watch your Thomas the Tank Engine DVDs back there any more.

Even Lotor wouldn’t pull that shit. If Keith had immediately struck that child, I would have understood, and been pleased. It would have served as a valuable lesson to the kids watching Voltron Force, namely, “don’t be an enormous douchbag.” (Via Comics Alliance)