Why the @#$% Are They Still Making Underworld Movies
Seriously. This is a trailer for Underworld… 4? 6? 5? Fuck, I don’t know, and I don’t care, not even a little bit. It’s all just the same shit photocopied out of a 1997 World of Darkness RPG sourcebook, over and over again. Listen, I’m a nerd. All my friends are nerds. I run a nerd website and thus I talk to and hear from thousands of nerds, all the time, and I don’t know a single person who has more than a mild ambivalence towards the Underworld movies. Who the fuck is watching these things? Who is actually spending their money to see this crap on opening weekend instead of waiting for it to run on FX some afternoon, the way it’s clearly meant to be seen? Who is giving these bastards permission to keep churning this shit out? GRRAAAAHHHH