The DCnU Isn’t Quite Done DCnU-ing Things Yet
?Wonder Woman #2 has a pretty big announcement in it regarding the origin — er, the new origin — of the character. Since the issue doesn’t hit until October 19th, I figured I’d put it after the jump.
Wonder Woman’s got a brand new bag! Er, dad!
Yes, Wonder Woman’s new pappy is now the Greek God Zeus himself, making her an official demi-god. While I’m sure there are some WW fans who are up in arms about the change, I actually love this. As we’ve discussed here many, many times, Wonder Woman has one of the most incomprehensibly insane origins in comics: She’s an Amazon, but she’s made of clay, but she dresses like a patriotic hooker and also has a magic lasso and an invisible jet. I’m all for anything that makes Wonder Woman less nonsensical, and making her the daughter of Zeus first of all removes the weirdness of her “made from clay” origin and justifies pretty much every superpower she has, from flying to strength to being able to deflect bullets with her wrists, whatever. Hell, “Zeus gave it to her” is also a pretty reasonable answer for why she might have a magic lasso, all things considered (but not the jet. The jet will never make sense).
Admittedly, I may be biased because I always like it when Diana gets more mythical and wears ancient Greek-style armor instead of star-spangled panties. Also, I think Wonder Woman #1 was one of top three new 52 issues, so I’d be willing to give writer Brian Azzarello the benefit of the doubt no matter what. But mostly, it just makes sense to me. It makes WW make more sense than before, which I have to think is a good thing.
So there — a major DCnU change regarding a DC major character that I think is a 100% improvement. And they said it couldn’t happen! Okay, I probably said it, but still! Yay! (Via The NY Post)