
Someone’s Gonna Get Edgar Allen Poe-wned

There’s a new trailer for the movie The Raven, which stars John Cusack as Edgar Allen Poe who’s more into stopping a serial killer who murders people in ways inspired by his short stories instead of, you know, having sex with his underage cousin and drinking himself to death. I kind of want to hate this movie, but I’m actually getting kind of charmed by how balls-ily it ignores its source material. You know, I watch a lot of Japanese samurai movies, and the Japanese have no problem taking their real-life historical figures and turning them into magical heroes and/or demons who shoot lasers from their eyes and shit. I always used to wonder why American never did that, and made like a movie about George Washington as an agent of Satan, and Thomas Jefferson has to use a magic sword made by Ben Franklin to stop him. I guess The Raven is as close as we’re going to get.

Although I would seriously watch the shit out of my movie. Hollywood, call me!