
TR Contest Special: Calling Characters, Sponsored by the Motorola ATRIX 2


?Goodness! Is this a Topless Robot contest sponsored not by a nerd t-shirt company, not by a purveyor of nerdy DVDs, but a real tech company who makes real gadgetry? It is! This week’s contest is sponsored by Motorola, and specifcally their new ATRIX 2 smartphone, designed for entertainment on the go. It’s a phone so advanced and awesome I can’t begin to scratch the surface of all its features and specs, because it would take up half the page (no, seriously; you can read all about the Motorola ATRIX 2 here).

So what’s the contest? Well, in keeping with the phone theme, this week’s contest is: You get one phone call to any fictional character. Tell me what it is. Will you call Nerd Stark and tell him to get his ass back to Winterfell? Would you prank call Darth Vader? Maybe ask Skeletor why he doesn’t realize He-Man and Prince Adam are clearly the same person? Any fictional character can be called, but you only get to ask/say/talk about one subject. Let’s call it one conversation (pretend they’re collect calls, if you need to. If you’re too young to remember collect calls… god, I’m old). Here’s what this week’s grand prize winner will receive:

? The Motorola ATRIX 2 smartphone
? HD Dock
? Lapdock 100
? Nav Dock (car dock)
? Portable power pack
? HDMI cable

One thing: the ATRIX 2 only works with AT&T, and in the US. Lest you be concerned that there’s only one (incredibly lucky) winner, don’t be — I’m also going to give away three TR shirts in addition to Motorola’s grand prize package, so there’s still plenty of reasons to enter if you’re not an AT&T customer or live in the U.S.

Three entries per person.  The contest ends at 12:01 am EST on Monday, December 5th, 2011. You guys have a good weekend, and try not to eat at any Chinese restaurant with the word “panda” in its name. It won’t go well.