
A Moment of Self-Pleasure: TR’s 4th Birthday

It’s true! As of yesterday, January the 8th, Topless Robot has existed on the internet for a full four years. It was back in January of 2008 that my buddy Bill Jensen asked me to take a shot at running a nerd blog for Village Voice Media, and somehow I’ve managed to keep on doing it for 1460 or so days. It’s still the greatest job in the world (FFF excluded, obviously), and every day I get paid to write nonsense about nerdy things is a very good day indeed.

But I’m not posting this to congratulate myself; I’m posting it to thank you guys for reading, for helping promote the site, for calling me out when I’m wrong, for commenting, and for generally being funny and clever and awesome. I’ve certainly had my share of goofs over the last year, and there are certainly other general purpose nerd news sites nowadays out there — so I thank you for sticking with me and the site. Obviously, without you guys, there is no Topless Robot; please know that I always appreciate that. I hope I continue to make it worth your while.

Clearly, there’s only one vid that could truly sum up my feelings right now:

In summary, I lasagna all of you guys; I lasagna you very much. Thanks for reading.