I’d like to enter a new contestant for Queen of the Nerds; meet Sillysparrowness, who built her own TARDIS. Now the fact that she built a TARDIS is not why I think she’d make a fine nerd queen, at least not exactly. Here’s why she gets my vote:
? She made an incredibly awesome TARDIS
? She made an awesome TARDIS that’s both easily constructable and totally portable
? She made this video documenting her making of said TARDIS
? The video is funny, adorable, and extremely well-edited
? SillySparrowness herself is funny, adorable, and if not well-edited, she’s still incredibly clever and immensely talented Seriously, even you guys who aren’t into Doctor Who should give this a watch, because this lady is absolutely delightful, and so is her video. Infinite thanks to my friend Mel for the tip; now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go swoon for a bit.