Monthly Archive:: February 2012
Bad News for John Carter of Anywhere Else
From Deadline:Hollywood is in a tizzy over the early tracking which just came online
Videogame Trifecta: MechAssault, War for Cybertron, FarCry 3
? This teaser heavily implies that Day 1 Studios, who started out by
Giant R2-D2 Terrorizes Star Wars Villains, Thrills Everyone Else
From the Tulsa World:
Just when it seemed that Darth Vader would spell
the end
5 Questions We Desperately Need a Buckaroo Banzai Sequel to Answer
?Sequels are a very divisive issue for Nerdkind: On one hand, we want
Watch a Young Man Become a Super Saiyan in Front of Your Very Eyes
Oh, you laugh, but this young gentleman knows the secret of turning Super
New Prometheus Trailer, Unbound
Those darned foreign people keep getting all the new trailers! Today it's Prometheus,
Geek Apparel of the Week: 8-bit Karate Kid, O’Brien’s Repair, Pac-Poncho
?? I would've played the hell out of this game. It's $20 at
The Hunger Games’ Gale Is Selfless, Helpful, Horny
We've seen the trailers, but now the first clip from The Hunger Games
T-E-E-N! T-I-T! A-N-S! Teen! Ti! Tans! LET’S GO
When DC Nation debuts on March 3rd, it will contains two shows: Young