The New Shazam Looks Like Shazit
The NY Post revealed the first pic of the new Shazam, n?e Captain Marvel, this morning, who debuts as a back-up story in Justice League #7 on March 21st. And… uh… well, just look at him.
?My thoughts:
? I know many of you guys are still upset about the name change, and I don’t begrudge it of you. I’m personally fine with it, but I understand how it mucks about with your fundamental perception of the character and, more specifically, his powers.
? That said… eesh. Looks like Jim Lee started designing Shazam here from the boots, belt and cape — always his favorites — before someone realized what the fuck was going on and stopped him.
? I know the DCnU style is to overdesign everything, but holy shit Shazam’s costume is magic. Magic does not need three buckles on its boots.
? Seriously, a hood, a snarl of rage and barely contained use of his
power? I’m not a Captain Marvel/Shazam fan, but if there’s one superhero
who shouldn’t be emo or angry, shouldn’t it be Shazam? Isn’t not being emo pretty much his defining personality trait?
just before this picture was drawn. Then I guess it’s okay.