
Movie News Trifecta: Avengers, Hunger Games, Battleship

? This is another new Avengers TV spot with maybe three seconds of new footage. I couldn’t quite justify posting it by itself, so here’s some other shit. (Via Nerd Bastards)

? The X-Men: First Class sequel will start filming in January of next year, so Jennifer Lawrence can shoot the Hunger Games sequel Catching Fire in the fall. Because if Lawrence had to pick between the two, unless she was insane, First Class was going to lose. Supporting actress that has to be painted entirely blue, or top billing in the sequel to one of the highest-grossing movies ever? Not a tough choice. On the negative side, director Gary Ross just quit, which is a shame, because I thought the first one was really well directed. There was an impressive sense of tension throughout, and for this one movie — where the protagonist was not a skilled fighter but a young girl fighting for her life — I actually thought the shaky-cam fight scenes were appropriate. Here’s hoping they don’t just hire someone cheap. (Via the AV Club)

? io9 says this first Battleship clip indicates its board games roots with “red balls” breaking a ton of shit, but that’s not exactly true, because in some of the trailers the alien ships actually do fire pegs. Of course, io9 also calls Battleship Transformers IV: Water Sports, which isn’t true either — the first Transformers movie was TF: Water Sports. Just ask Turturro.