
STYNK*: He-Man, ThinkGeek, Neuromancer, Darksiders II, Agent 88

* Stuff That You Need to Know (that don’t fit into easily defined categories. Yes, I’ve shortened it).


? The in-danger Masters of the Universe Classic subscription from is no longer in danger, which means the 2013 sub will go forward as planned (more surprisingly, the even-more-in-danger DCUC Infinite Earths sub made its minimum, too). I think the kerfluffle will probably end up for the best, as 1) it will force Mattel to make a stronger line-up for next year, and 2) it might finally get them off their asses and force Digital River, their horrendous fulfillment center, to get its shit together. I’m glad the line is surviving, if only because I really need Jitsu. On the other hand, I wish Mattel had been 1/4 as concerned about fixing Digital River at any point over the last four years as it has been trying to save the 2013 MotUC subscription over the last week. (Via Poe Ghostal)
? ThinkGeek is starting a program where people can submit their own awesome nerdy merchandise and they’ll try to make it happen. It’s called the Idea Factory, and people who get their idea chosen get $1,000 and 10-% of all sales. You don’t even need to submit a video, just a description. I think this brilliant and totally cool. I expect great, great things out of this.
? Mark Wahlberg is in negotiations to play Henry Case in the infinitely delayed Neuromancer movie. Because it always works out so well when Wahlberg headlines a sci-fi movie. Oh well, at least Lian Neeson in talks to play Armitage. (Via Blastr)
? I’ve shown a lot of Darksiders II videos on here, because I’m really looking forward to it, but I thought I might be overdoing it. So here’s a new gameplay trailer for those who are as interested as I am, in which Death proves that you don’t need a mouth to give a stirring soliloquy. Honestly, I can’t wait.
? Art Asylum founder Digger T. Mesch is making a web series called Agent 88, about the world’s greatest assassin who just so happens to be an elderly British woman who’s just been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. This is assuming his Kickstarter makes the final $18k needed in the next 30 or so hours, though  Stargate‘s Alexis Cruz, X-Men‘s Tyler Mane, and Peter Mayhew all make appearances, and there’s a bevy of gifts for those who donate., including exclusive Mini-Mates. Head here for more info.