Lego Howard the Duck!
Granted, it’s only in the upcoming Marvel Lego video game, but anything that helps rehab ol’ Howie is good news. The old comics were so wonderfully strange that the lingering association with a more cliched and not especially faithful George Lucas movie have always seemed unfair. Even that movie is at least bad in unusual ways – it takes typical Hollywood underdog hero formula and plugs in a talking duck without adjusting things much for that fact – and it helped get Tim Robbins one of his first big breaks.
Another factor that has kept Howard down over the years has thankfully been obliterated as an issue – his resemblance to Donald Duck. Now that Disney owns Marvel there’s no reason to sue over similarities ever again.
Now…Please, please, make some actual Lego sets with the guy. It’s time we got some fowl play.
h/t Greg Basore