Kill Me Now: Right Said Fred Reunited to Sing “I’m Too Smurfy”
Proof that there is no God: in what may be the worst example ever of repurposing the only thing you’re known for many years after the fact, shaven-headed one-hit wonder singers Right Said Fred (I remember “Don’t Talk, Just Kiss,” but I’m betting you don’t) revived their jokey ode to models and rewrote it to be about Smurfs.
Proof that there is a God: this came out in May and nobody really paid it any attention whatsoever, save for my sadistic friend Nick Robinson who tweeted it out today.
Proof there is no God here: God at His best takes your pain away. I insist that you share mine.
Of course, nobody’s forcing you to click the jump and bear witness to the horror. That’s on you. In the words of C.S. Lewis…
“Make your choice, adventurous Stranger,
Strike the bell and bide the danger,
Or wonder, till it drives you mad,
What would have followed if you had.”