Attach Laser Sights and Battle Gear to Your Tactical…Beer Mug?
If you own a bunch of scopes, laser-sights, bayonets and so forth, my guess would be you’d want to attach them to a gun. But if you somehow managed to lose said gun, perhaps your second, fallback choice for “item to equip with military gear” would be…a beverage mug? That costs $225, or $250 if, heaven forbid, you actually want a handle on that sumbitch?
Sure, your OPMOD mug would have bragging rights over every other mug in the history of mugs. Just remember to invest in straws, because drinking out of the fully pimped version looks like more of a challenge than aiming for a deer’s head.
Video after the jump. Seriously, the Swiss Army Knife of mugs needs to be seen in accessorized action. The video involves coffee, but to quote OpticsPlanet, “We highly suggest not putting hot beverages in it due to the? fact that it is not insolated [sic]and made out of aluminum. We don’t want you to burn yourself! We suggest putting frosty beverages in the OPMOD Battle mug.”
IOW, you can laser-target foes, but not insulate against hot coffee. And this costs $250.
h/t Brian Seol