
Sean Connery’s Terrible, Hideous New Cartoon You Have to See


By all appearances, Sean Connery’s recently released Sir Billi – the first computer-generated feature from Scotland – does for the language of cinema what a Glaswegian accent does for the English language. It renders it utterly incomprehensible.

The movie, about a vet, a tracksuit-wearing goat and some beavers…I think…came out last month in three UK theaters to woeful reviews. The Scottish government chose to basically ignore it and promote Brave instead.

But the folks at MonsterMilkTV have already compiled a highlight reel (or lowlight – doesn’t much matter in this case). They are doing the lord’s work. It is stunningly, bizarrely bad, and only the fact that it may well be Sean Connery’s last film makes you feel ever so slightly like you should be kinder to it. That feeling rapidly dissipates, believe me.

Rifftrax needs this. But in the meantime, you need it. After the jump…