The Weekend Hangover: Strippable Hug Pillows, Home Alone Memes, Rambo Meets Santa and More…
Highlights of the nerdy news bites you may have missed over the course of the weekend open thread…
-That one time (German-accented) Santa and Rambo teamed up (SlyDante777).
-Fastovus, for the Last of Us (Timely-Tardis-Lego)
-The U.S. Air Force’s latest weapon: flash mobs! (Anyone00).
–Ninja Gaiden Z‘s secret side-scroller mode (SlyDante777).
–Strippable hug pillows that I’m so glad didn’t exist when I was a teen because I would surely have embarrassed myself (Timely-Tardis-Lego).
–Buzz, Your Girlfriend…WOOF! maker (SlyDante777)
From McGarnagle to Hail to the Chimp, realistic posters for fictional movies in the Simpsons universe.
-Teaching schoolgirls self-defense using axes (Timely-Tardis-Lego).
-I find it hard to believe Facebook will actually roll out this “Sympathize” button (Gallen_Dugall).
A needlessly detailed research paper on the climate of Middle-earth.
–Free Comic Book Day offerings include a surprisingly un-screwed-up New 52 Batman Beyond (troi).
-China’s underground hotel expected to boost tourism business with Morlocks and Hobbits (Gallen_Dugall).
-Disney’s next feature ought to be Saving Aunt Flo, about the making of this short (rkwsuperstar).
-Chicago’s pianos are more magical than their pizzas, it seems (Dr.Gonzo82).
’80s cartoon reunion – with really good voice impersonations.
–Firefly keeps flying as an online game (Timely-Tardis-Lego).
-Fox ADHD wishes you a merry Christmas with Scientifically Accurate Santa Claus (James.k.Polk).
Life-size flying TARDIS crashes.
-Web series A Simple Walk Into Mordor is now available in full on DVD (Gallen_Dugall).
Nanomedicine…with puppets!
-I dunno…so-called “alcoholic” James Bond sounds like a lightweight to me. Is almost five drinks a day really that hardcore? (Jamses.k.Polk).
-Gravity…just a theory. Like evolution, and hot dogs being meat. (SlyDante777)
-Those shinigami always did look like glam rockers, so a Death Note musical makes sense (troi).
Disney Villain Babies: The TV Show! This means all those Disney villains did indeed get laid.
-Some sort of Swedish TV show about cute, sentient turds (rkwsuperstar).
-Mike Holmes and his cat in the style of 100 different artists, from Dr. Seuss to Rob Liefeld (troi).
-Yeti on Furry action (SlyDante777).
-How to dance like a Topless Roboteer (RegularStormy).