The Weekend Hangover: Simpsons Lego, Levitating Soundwaves, King Tut Erections
Collecting highlights from all the all the tidbits you might have missed over the weekend.
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Everyone LOVES to bash The Simpsons on the weekend thread. But I dare you try and bash this.
This week’s contributors include Anyone00, Timely-Tardis-Lego, rkwsuperstar, SlyDante777, Gallen_Dugall, troi, skrag2112, andre_morello, troi.
-Is the earth’s magnetic field real…or dogshit?
-James Franco. A guy on Reddit with two penises. Please, please do the math.
-A website dedicated to nipple lasers.
-What if you had NO comeback to “Yo mamma’s butt so big…”?
–Stay classy, Walt Disney.
-I hope Andy Serkis’ Animal Farm ends up being 90 minutes of this:
–Mortal Kombat “cosplayers” performing endless Subway jingle – my college band did similar things, but the dfiierence was we never put it online.
–Man on dog romance hits the mainstream.
–Flash! Waaah-ahhhh! Mugged by more than one of us!
-So…there’s a world championship for nose-squirting?
-Who knew Go Nagai tried to get a Supermarionation-style show made back in the ’80s?
-Are Manicorns too lively for you?
-Hasbro’s hideous new pull-apart superheroes.
-Donnie Yen’s Monkey King 3D just became one of my most anticipated movies this year.
-New video game has a 7-11 dungeon. Or as we like to call them, a 7-11.
–Patrick Stewart is a-moo-sed.
-Soundwaves can levitate stuff, but not yet eject transforming cassettes.
–3D-print yourself with a Kinect.
-Neil Gaiman gets board of Lovecraft.
-Robo-doc needs some prime directives put in place.
–“Bury Me With a Boner” need to be a country song, and soon, even if it does have a pagan worldview.
–Finding time travelers online is probably still easier than finding someone who’ll actually date you.
-Some knob-warming action.
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-A Space Invaders TV show, with interactive shooting like Captain Power? I’d call that long overdue.
-The Hidden Ecosystem of the Walmart Parking Lot. Yep, I’ll click on that.
-Online dating profile tips I could have used ten years ago.
-Soundwaves? Ha! Spray paint works just as well for levitating stuff. Right?
-An anime dating site, for folks who need a little reverse cowboy bebop in the bedroom.
-Pikachu period pads.
-Why did nobody tell me before that there was a game called Unicorn Makeout Mania?
-Honest Disney Song.
-Nothing wrong with scaly spandex.
-Rob Bricken can finally train to become a ninja without leaving town.
-Japan’s creepiest helpful dog.