Ask Luke’s Mother-in-Law: College, College and Guinea Pigs
college image by ajagendorf25 |
Luke’s mother-in-law is former LAPD, a licensed property appraiser and a self-described crazy cat lady. None of which has prepared her for TR readers. All questions and answers are real.
Well, hi all. Don’t really have anything to rant about this week. We did have a great rain storm last week. I have 2 seasonal streams on my property and they both ran last week; we really needed the water. Made a good crock pot soup – I like soup on rainy weekends. This one had a base of cream of potato and cream of mushroom soup, green beans, garlic and sausage. Yum. Little Frizzy dragged a large area rug from the kitchen all the way to the living room one night. The rug weighs more than he does, but he is determined. Anyway, it is getting late and so on to the questions.
Rx79immigrant84: My question is should a person join adult finder. I’m asking for a friend
Hi. Keep in mind that I am a 57 year-old mom. So NO, your friend is probably much better than what that site looks like. Most of these kinds of sites have a whole lot of lying happening. If they are just looking for a quick hook up/sex etc., you can find that in a bar or a street corner. If you are looking for a more meaningful relationship or something that could be more long-lasting, try something like taking a class or joining a club. Take up a hobby that can be done with others.
Ok I have a hard hitting Question.
I have my 33rd Birthday coming up very soon “3/6”.
I live in a MAJOR college town ” 3 Major colleges, 5 Minor/Tec Schools”.
We have a new wave of people in my town every 6 weeks to 6 months.
I want to know. How can I meet a Lady that is around my age.
Not into wild partying “House party with friends can be fun, but Bars are to expensive”. She can except me with my problems, and does not have 5 kids from 4 different men.
“If you are a guy/gal that has married into that. You get a million High Fives from me, but with my health. I can’t do it.”
Do you have any good advice on this?
Well, when you read this it will be 3/6 so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I did not get married until I was 28. Grew up in So Cal with lots of colleges around, etc. Problem with most colleges is that if it is a 4-yr, the age range does not exactly match someone who is 33. Most freshman are 18. However, at a Jr. College or trade/tech school, you might find an older group. Perhaps take a class. You may find those more your age who are going back to school to better themselves or learn a new trade as they have been displaced in the job market.
I know it is hard to find someone without baggage like a ton of kids now. But they are out there. My husband was 10 yrs older than me, never married and figured he was always going to be a single guy. He had a good job and a house. Found him at work. I agree, bars get expensive and generally are not a great place to meet someone for long term. But maybe if you can volunteer somewhere or get involved with community activities you can find someone who is local and can be long term. Again Happy Birthday – Huggs.
Hello Luke’s mother in law,
I have a lot of skills in computers I’ve mostly acquired on my own over the years (programming, web development, hardware, etc) and a scattered work experience that involves some of these to various degrees.
The problem is to get a good job (got laid off this year) I need lots of experience, to get experience I need a good job. any ideas on how to break into this circular concept?
The alternative is to go back to college. I have an associates degree and would like to get a bachelors (or beyond) but since getting the associates the tech jobs i have gotten haven’t cared about the degree and hired me on the knowledge I would have without it. so is it really worth spending 2+ years on getting a degree when I need a job now?
Well, there is no reason that you can’t get a job and go back to school to get the BA. In California we do have Pell grants – they can pay you to go to school and many times they also cover living expenses. Don’t know where you live, but maybe your state has something like this. Also a lot depends on if you are single or have a family to support.
Have you thought of starting your own business? Perhaps you could teach others your skills, do consulting, freelance etc.
I would probably get the job and then take a class a semester and work on the BA.
Brando L: My Daughter just got 2 Guinean Pigs and I for one am eager to start testing them. All the tests I can think of end in fire. Seeing as how I don’t want to traumatize my little girl can you suggest any non lethal tests?
Okay, ending in fire is not a good sign. I would suggest that the 2 of you built some mazes and see how fast each one goes thru to get a treat. The GP only gets plumper.
Lea B: I just got the first two seasons of Sherlock on my Kindle. What celestial arrangement is occurring EVERY time I try to watch an episode that causes 500 things to happen at my house that apparently only I can deal with RIGHT this second?
Probably the “I bet you are a parent” celestial arrangement. Have you considered bribing the family? Or locking yourself in a sound proof closet? Maybe send them all to a movie and you stay home.
Kyle A: How many times do I have to call people bitches before I become as cool as Jesse Pinkman?
Well, not sure why you would want to be as cool as a fictional character – granted, the character was good on Breaking Bad. But not sure what the advantage is in being cool as a meth cook. I suggest you find someone better
So another week is over. Take care all; next week I may have a small surprise for you. Huggs
If you’d like to add your questions to the pile for Luke’s mother-in-law, leave them in comments below.