
Director Paul Hough Picks the Human Race Signed DVD and Poster Winners


My writer-director, fresh from an international tour to promote the film, emailed last night with his favorite contest entries, in which all of you tried to guess what character I play in his film, and what my fate is. Before I reveal the winners, here are his comments:

I like number 1 – very creative – and number 2 is smart – and number 3 funny

Without further ado…

#1 is NebulaJack:
Your character takes shelter in a hidden underground laboratory that has a cybernetics work station. It’s able to replace everything from the neck down with techno-organic parts. You return to the race with a new body people behind you start exploding as they’re getting double lapped by forensic scientist Barry Allen. As he zooms by and your head explodes your body keeps running… like a robot… a Topless Robot!

#2 SumEllisOck:
You lose. You die. Off-Screen because you’re not the main character.

#3 Greychild:
You play a redneck transvestite… and get eaten by a pack of rabid squirrels!

Congratulations, winners. You have survived the race. Now email your info to claim your posters and DVDs.