Netflix Apparently Hates You, Because They Just Bought a Richie Rich Reboot
Yes, Netflix has the Marvel stuff, which is cool. But by giving Adam Sandler a deal for new movies and greenlighting that douchey little brat in the picture above (from a production company called AwesomenessTV, of all things), they’re not likely to win many new friends in this corner.
You may wonder how, in a country where the economy has been quite crappy for a while now, a show about the luckiest rich kid in the world is going to make its protagonist remotely sympathetic. Oh, but they have a genius idea for that. This Richie Rich didn’t inherit his wealth – he earned it “after making a trillion dollars by inventing and selling a cool new green technology.” TAKE THAT, LIBERALZ! U MUST LIKE HIM NOW LOL. His adventures will include “exploring Antarctica, making a movie with his friends and meeting famous celebrities.”
Can’t I just watch E! for shows that are exactly like that already? Make this a zombie reboot like Archie and I might reconsider.
h/t SlyDante777, as predicted by troi in a previous thread.