The Slasher Crossover Ninja Turtle Toys That Never Existed (but Maybe Should Have?)
Leather Leo saws, Donny Krueger kills some teens…Jason Raph is dead but moves/Mikey Myers loves him some Halloween grooves…
I had to do a double-take when I came upon this image last night. Had these actually existed and somehow slipped my mind? Rationally, I figured out the answer had to be no – the ’90s still got hysterical if a Freddy Krueger toy made it to shelves, and only Todd McFarlane’s Movie Maniacs at the very end of the decade (or was it early in the next one?) managed to bust down that wall.
What makes customizer Dan Polydoris’ creations feels so authentic is that they’re kitbashes – every piece does actually come from existing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles figures. And the toy Turtles did cross over with every available license from Universal Monsters to Star Trek.
In an age when CGI turtle nostrils and lips have managed to become even creepier than quaint ol’ Freddy, it may be time for Playmates to consider these.