Your Best GHOSTBUSTERS 3 Pitches and Costume Winner
It seems this was less easy than you might have thought. And now you know why it has taken so long to get the real version going. I asked you to pitch me a scene from Paul Feig’s all-female Ghostbusters 3, and the estrogen element seems to have been confusing.
Two honorable mentions and one winner follow…
ChrisPiers represents a large swath of the audience, with a Melissa McCarthy fat joke. I like that it’s less about mocking the actress and more about mocking the tropes:
Melissa McCarthy sees a donut in a car with a locked door but open window. She goes for it but gets stuck in the window, Winnie the Pooh style. As she struggles about, hilariously farting on other people in the street, a ghost pops up to drive the car wildly down the road. She eventually flies out and when she lands on a pile of garbage safely, her eyes cross indicating something comedic has occurred. This is her inspiration to begin busting these out of control ghosts
alijafferythehunk kind of ignored the all-female element, but was funny.
After a brutal altercation with Dan Akroyd at the snack table over double dipping a Funyun, Tyler Perry in a green screen fatsuit playing Madea as Slimer is hastly recasted halfway through the film with an off the wagon Andy Serkis with no explanation in the movie.
Hoping to keep the character consistent by the director and Mr. Serkis, the viewing public is introduced to the most horrifying piece of blackface performance in almost a hundred years.
Mel Gibson asks to be in the sequel.
And the winner is Calm-AV, whose first two sentences made the same joke the rest of you wanted to make, but without being a dick about the way Melissa McCarthy looks:
Melissa McCarthy is an up and coming actress that can handle physical comedy. I am sure she’ll be offered a role in the movie. Here is a scene I see her doing. Melissa is pinned down and she has to grab her proton pack – from between her legs. She turns on the proton pack to get the ghost and she starts screaming in rage that turns into more of a moan as the vibrations start to get to her. The rest of the Busters tell her she can turn it off. Finally when Melissa does she is out of breath, turns towards the camera and says “Bustin makes me feel good!”