
Obsessive Browncoats Parody Cher Lloyd’s “Want U Back” to Demand Firefly Return


I’d put the odds of an actual new Firefly series at just slightly less than those of a full on Star Trek: The Next Generation reboot on network TV with all the original cast, but by all means, fans, don’t let that stop you getting creative with your demands. Who knows – Joss Whedon does seem like he got very tired of counting Marvel money, and he may decide to go the opposite direction and get back to making things with more limited appeal that aren’t guaranteed success. Maybe if we all clap our hands, Tinkerbell style, and chant, “I do believe you’re feminist! I do! I do!” he’ll get well again.

Or maybe there’s a better approach. Production group geekiarchy didn’t stop with making T-shirts – they’ve done a full-on music video featuring clever lyrics and a pretty outstanding Adam Baldwin impersonator. The chorus refrain is good, but…

I particularly like the ‘verse.


YEEEE..waitaminute. Maybe you should watch the video first.