Check Out Some Rare Tyler Stout Screen-Printed Handbills for Avengers: Age of Ultron
Only 50 complete sets of these handbills were created, meaning there is only 50 printed pieces for each character, total. These are not available for sale to the general public.
But here at TRV, we got two different sets because I asked Kevin Feige the nerdiest question of the night. At the risk of seeming like a spoiled a-hole showing off his haul, well – we all figured you’d like to see them. If they show up as larger than 5 by 7 inches on your screen, you are seeing them larger than life, which may tell you just how detailed they are. (You may notice we don’t have every character – other websites will have additional images.)
The movie is now available digitally, and on Blu-ray at most retail outlets next week.