Cosmic Love: Episode 1 – The Dungeon of Madam Xandra
It’s finally here! Episode 1 of Cosmic Love! Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode! New episodes will arrive every Thursday!
There’s been a bit of a delay in the iTunes submission, but it should be live on most other podcast platforms.
Welcome to Cosmic Love! Thanks for listening.
Written/directed/produced by Amy Thorstenson.
This episode features the vocal talents of Katie Self, Brian Donovan, Clayton Snyder, and Amy Thorstenson.
Theme song by members of SparkleF*ck.
Music (“Map of the Cosmos,” “Lujon Remix,” and “Schvisen”) by Canton Becker ( Additional music (“Disco Medusae,” “Lost Time,” and “The Complex”) by Kevin MacLeod (
Sound effects from (“Door Vault,” “Futuristic Air Compression,” and “Beetle Bug Legs”). Additional sounds from (“Robot chat” by harri, “Dislocator (sci-fi weapon)” by JarAxe, “Weird SciFi Noise” by Opticreep, “Waves_1” by haldigital97, “End Radio Transmission” by ReadeOnly, and “Highheels Run” by sturmankin).