
Finally, Turn Your Wii-Mote Into a Lightsaber Er, “Laser Sword”

Well, of course. Now that I’ve completely finished The Force Unleashed?and I’m guessing most of you have as well?Thrustmaster finally releases the one Wii accessory that would have turned the game into a masterpiece (with a shit-ton of bugs and a terrible platform/jumping engine). Yes, these totally original “glow sabers” accessories have the power?the force, if you will?to turn your Wii-mote into an awesome saber of glowing light, and should be available now for $35. While I desperately want these things, I’m kind of baffled at how exactly they seem to replicate their more famous “glow sword” brethren; either there’s a huge loophole in the copyright law that’s protecting these things, or Lucasfilm is going to sue the pants off of Thrustmaster, and then rape them with their own “glow swords.” Equally as baffling is why Lucas just didn’t make authentic lightsaber Wii accessories himself in the first place. (Via Go Nintendo)