Your Watchmen Movie Update (Still Screwed)
Although everyone in Hollywood says that Fox only wants a cut of the money by suing Warner Bros. to stop its Watchmen movie, Fox doesn’t seem to be on the same page. The studio has gone on record as saying that it only wants to stop Warner’s movie from ever getting released, and now, it’s asking for a June 2009 court date?which just happens to be later than Watchmen‘s scheduled March 2009 premiere. Warner wants an April date, so?unless this thing gets settled out of court between now and then, this is going to push back Watchmen until next summer at the earliest.
Since Fox is being a bunch of assholes?seriously, as the NY Times points out (quoted from Newsarama) “Warner Bros. says that Fox ?sat silently? as producer Lawrence Gordon took Watchmen ‘to studio after studio with Fox?s express knowledge'”?and Warner has a pretty decent case?I bet this thing is going to trial. And I bet it won’t be quick, and if we see Watchmen it’ll be in 2010.
So yeah…sorry about that. On the plus side, here’s an awesome Lego Owlship:
Reasonably Clever‘s Chris Doyle made the awesome set, complete with an interior and little Lego figures of the Nite Owl and Rorschach?check it out here. Just try to enjoy and not think about how there’s finally going to be an awesome Watchmen movie but you’re not going to be able to see it.