MASK’s Matt Trakker Got a Promotion
From 3-inch toy to 4-inch bad-ass action figure in the new 25th Anniversary G.I. Joe collector’s line. Now, I know we’ve known about ol’ Matt for a while, but I thought it was newsworthy to post his card (check out the little MASK logo on the upper right) and the best pic of the figures and his mask that I’ve seen available. In case you don’t recall, Matt is part of series 7, which includes Sgt. Airborne, a Cobra Eel, Flint in his Cobra soldier disguise (he looks pretty awesome), a dead sexy Scarlett in her pilot outfit, and “Swamp Squad” Zartan, who comes with not one but two masks?you can see great pics of all the figures and their cards over at ToyNewsI. Matt and crew should be hitting toy stores this month, so start “trakking” him down now! Ha ha! Oh, I hate myself.