
Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom Is Still Insane

Straight from TGS, this Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom trailer shows the entire crew of Street Fighters and other various Capcom characters who will be attempting to beat the living hell out of anime studio Tatsunoko’s virtually-unknown-in-the-U.S. roster. I can’t decide if this means it’ll be easier for Capcom to release in America since the only two characters who are licensed are Ken from Gatchaman/Battle of the Planets and maybe Casshern, or it’ll be harder since no one knows or cares about these guys. Especially all the Yatterman guys, whose inexplicably popular-in-Japan series frustrates me more every day (the giant flame-shooting robot dog? From Yatterman).

However, this game still looks about five times as good as Street Fighter 4, which is also frustrating?it’s just much better marriage of 2D fighting and 3D graphics, with a cel-shaded looks that suits both the anime guys and the Street Fighters far more than SF4‘s uber-detailed 3D renders. Am I alone in thinking this? Do I need help?