Watchmen Trifecta: HD Trailer, DVD Feature, Penis
? Here’s the HD, much less fuzzy version of the Watchmen trailer/footage shown at Spike’s Scream Awards and which made it everywhere on Monday. I doubt most of you will mind watching it again.
? Carla Gugino tells MTV’s Splashpage that the first Nite Owl’s biography Under the Hood was filmed as a documentary, to be included as an extra on the DVD. The biography made up an all-text bonus to the Watchmen comics, detailing the exploits of the Minutemen, the ’50s group of superheroes of which the first Nite Owl and Gugino’s Silk Spectre were members. As per Snyder’s instructions, the text was religiously adhered to, and the rest was improvised in character. We’ll see how that works out.
? Okay, if you checkout 0:19 in the HD trailer, you can totally see Dr. Manhattan’s junk. Totally. This should put to rest anyone’s doubts that Zack Snyder would be sparing the blue full-frontal rod (cough) in the movie. I’m really letting only pointing this out so I can relate the following exchange Television Without Pity‘s Zach Oat and I had on IM about a week ago, after Zach got to go to go to that 30-minute Watchmen press screening.
Zach: I just saw Dr. Manhattan’s Lower Manhattan.
Rob: Doesn’t that include the Meat-packing District?
Zach: Yes, as well as the entrance to the Lincoln Tunnel, unfortunately.
Rob: There’s a terrible Billy’s Crudup’s asshole/New Jersey joke begging to be made, but I’m trying not to think too hard about it.
Good night, folks! Make sure to tip your waitresses!