All Hail Bar2-D2
Fuck Artoo. Fuck him right in his little red eye. All he can do is beep and interface with all the computers in the galaxy…and store space station plans, and fly with jet packs, and put out fires, and shock muppets, and shoot lightsabers quite sizable differences. But whatever. He sure as hell can’t serve booze–FUCK! HE CAN DO THAT TOO! Bastard. But he probably can’t do it with the skill and style of Bar2-D2, seen in the video above. Bar2 is radio-controlled and has a motorized beer elevator,
motorized ice/mixer drawer, and a six-bottle shot dispenser. Sure, Bar2 can’t shoot lightsabers, but if he serves you enough gin and tonics, you won’t even care than Jabba has Han. Problem solved! (Via Gizmodo)