It’s Almost Like the Wolverine Movie Makers Are Listening to the Fans
Remember those X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie reshoots I mentioned the other day? The ones that Hugh Jackman emailed AICN about? The IESB says it knows what at least some of the reshoots are for, and it should make you nerds happy:
Deadpool. Yes, apparently the bulk of the new footage involves adding more Deadpool to the finished product, meaning Ryan Reynolds has been a busy bee recently, filming more scenes in Vancouver. Other than some of the scenes will involve Wolverine, natch, that’s all we know. But I’m still guessing that most of you are pleased by this little announcement.
Oh, I’d like to take a moment to retract my previous diss on Reynolds for wearing a red leather vest; obviously, as this blown up pic shows, it is simply a red sleeveless t-shirt. I don’t really approve of sleeveless t-shirts, but it’s hardly the fashion horror that wearing a red leather vest would be. Topless Robot regrets the error.