The League of Extraordinary X-Gentlemen and Avenging Yeomen
I love custom toys. I can’t make ’em myself, but I love seeing them, and some of my favorite have been the steampunk interpretations of Star Wars and so forth. I guess these Marvel superheroes customs — pointed out to me by my sometimes friend, sometimes foe Great White Snark — are more just Victorian than steampunk, but I still think they’re hella awesome.
From left to right, starting with the top row: Nightcrawler, the Hulk, Wolverine, Dardevil, Spider-man, Falcon, and Cyclops; bottom row: Jean Grey, Black Widow, Ant-Man, Captain America, Iron Man, Nick Fury, Red Skull, Doctor Doom, and a Doom-bot Arnim Zola. Please, check here, here and here for more pics, along with the detailed stories of these guys, who were created by Bruce Ross and Josh Izzo. (Via Super Punch)