There’s Going to Be a Twilight Anime, RUN FOR YOUR VERY LIVES
Sometimes, Topless Robot doesn’t bring the news you want to know, but the news you need to know. This is one of those times. See, apparently in the new Twilight DVD (which is actually getting released Friday, not today as previously mentioned), director Catherine Hardwicke says she thinks there’s going to be an anime version of the epic tale of mopey teenagers and the sparkly vampires who love them.
You can spew whatever hate and vitriol about Twilight you want — seriously, I don’t care; I can wait — okay, ready? good — but a Twilight anime would be a license to print money. Unlike so many anime adaptations of American material, anime’s oft-tortuously slow storytelling style and focus on relationships and repetition matches Twilight perfectly; there are already half a dozen vampire series out there which could practically be re-dubbed to be Twilight sequels anyways. What I’m saying is that it would be seriously hard to make a shitty Twilight anime, at least according to the franchise’s screaming fans, and thus it would be incredibly successful.
Which raises an interesting scenario. Could Twilight actually end up as the first shojo series on American TV? I’d have to think that although it doesn’t jibe with its target audience, Cartoon Network would seriously have to consider getting it to attract all those legions of viewers. But I could also see even the CW trying to score a show with such a huge, built-in audience, which could mean Twilight could be the first anime on American prime-time. Food for thought, people. (News and pic via AnimeVice)