
DVD Day: June 30th, 2009


? Street Fighter: Legend of Chun Li
Before viewing Street Fighter: Legend of Chun Li, please make sure you have a bottle of your favorite hard liquor on hand, and a rubber nipple attached to the botle. Suckle the bottle at all points while the movie is on. Do this, and you might survive the experience.

? Stargate Atlantis: Complete Fifth Season
Fifth and final, more specifically. Hopefully Stargate Universe fills the Stargate-sized holes in all you Stargate fans’ hearts.

? Eureka: Season 3.0
The semi-popular Syfy show that wasn’t BSG and isn’t over. I think.

? The IT Crowd: Complete Second Season
I caught the first season of this British nerd comedy on Netflix and highly recommend it. You fellow fans, tell the others what they’re missing, please.

? Parker Lewis Can’t Lose: Complete First Season
The original modern nerd comedy? Maybe. I’m eager to see if this thing is as nearly as good as my memories say it is.

? Samurai Champloo: Complete Collection
Like Cowboy Bebop but with hiphop samurai instead of jazz space-bounty hunters. Not qquite as good as Bebop, but that still means it’s pretty damn good.

? Monster X Strikes Back
A recent giant monster movie starring Beat Takeshi. The fact that I’ve not heard of it before today makes me think it’s probably not very good.

? Transmorphers: Fall of Man
A super cheap-o Transformers rip-off direct-to-DVD movie starring Bruce Boxzleitner? Where the hell do I sign up?