If Girls Were Nerds, They’d Probably Be Pissed
Now, we all know that despite how the mass media occasionally portrays women, girls have never, ever been nerds. They don’t go to San Diego Comic Con, and they don’t play videogames. Well, Ubisoft has made one of the first videogames targeted to women, based on the popular and very woman-y Grey’s Anatomy TV series, and boy… it’s a good thing women aren’t nerds, because they’d probably be hideously insulted if they were.
First of all, don’t think the above video is supposed to be funny — it’s not a skit, just some folks over at College Humor playing the game. They aren’t important. Instead, pay close attention to the gameplay footage, which breaks down human interaction in to either one of two choices, both of which are hilariously absolute, and many of which include flirting, not flirting or just the level of flirting. The other aspect of “gameplay” involves the world’s shittiest mini-game where the player moves the Wiimote to collect emotion balls so that their character can… have that emotion. Best of all, sometimes the emotion you need to collect is “anger,” because sometimes someone needs a sass-talkin’, girlfriend! Woo!
Jesus. Admittedly, I have a penis (it’s true!) but I’m appalled on behalf of all you ladies. Shit, I have to imagine those Bratz games whoever-the-hell pumps out have more gameplay value and respect for womankind than this travesty. (Via Warming Glow)