
Man Speaks Only Klingon to His Son for Three Years… on Purpose


?Before I lose my mind, let me let the Minneapolis CityPages lay down the facts:

d’Armond Speers spoke only Klingon to his child for the first three years of its life.

Klingon? Not Spanish, French, Mandarin? Not some gutteral genuflecting concoction from the deepest recesses of Borneo? Klingon? …

“I was interested in the question of whether my son, going through his first language acquisition process, would acquire it like any human language,” Speers told the Minnesota Daily. “He was definitely starting to learn it.”

And get this, Speers says he isn’t really a huge Star Trek fan.
We’ll take his word for it.
Does the fact that Speers has a doctorate in computational linguistics explain anything — or excuse anything — here? Maybe. His child-rearing habits were part of a larger story on the company he advises, Ultralingua, which develops language and translation software. Including Klingon.

Maybe excuses his behavior? How about fuck and no? As soon as I saw the headline, I was ready to fly into a rage at nerds who actively harm their children by taking their nerdery way past the point of “weird” and into “insanity.” But this asshole was just trying an experiment on his kid? That’s not just fucked up, that’s evil. What happens when the kid gets old enough to go to school and discovers no one speaks his goofy-ass language? Seriously, I hope child services takes this kid away to someone who won’t wreck their child for a half-assed science experiment. Surely there’s a few loving Klingon families out there who would take this kid in. Some of them even go to church. (Via Geekologie)