Disney Goes Underground
?Entertainment Earth is currently taking preorders for Acme Archives’ new Disney Underground series of prints that feature reinterpretations of Disney’s classic characters. Calling in a rogue’s gallery of culture-jamming contemporary artists for the project, the company commissioned works from Eli Trinh (whose epic Mickey re-envisioning “Super Maku” appears above), Grant Searcey, Lola, Steven Daily and Brit Pete McKee, who previously released pieces for Acme featuring characters from The Simpsons and Futurama. These gicl?es — a fancy French word meaning art prints that were created from digital sources with high-end ink-jet printers — are easily the most adorable things you will see today. More than that, they are the type of whimsical gems you’d expect to see in LA’s renowned Gallery 1988 space. So with Disney characters meeting the world of underground pop art, can Shepard Fairey-inspired “Obey Donald” works be far behind? Because that would be kind of awesome.