
Iron Man 2 Mini-Mates Seem Like Mini-Spoilers


?I don’t think any other nerd news site is bothering to put these guys below the fold, so I figured if anyone was going to be a dick and reveal them to you, I’d rather it be me (I can take the hate. And often do). This is Diamond Select’s second wave of Iron Man 2 movie Mini-Mates, which includes Sam Rockwell’s Justin Hammer and, as you might notice, five armored “drones” presumably of his own design. Couple that in with the trailer end of the last Iron Man 2 trailer, where Stark and War Machine are laying the smack down on several indistinct but humanoid-shaped robots — I’m pretty sure we’re looking at the antagonists from the movie’s final battle.

I’m not bitching on any score here — I’m Hasbro’s figures would have spoiled us before the movie anyways, and these guys give Iron Man someone bad to shoot and blow up (since I doubt he’ll actually kill Whiplash). I guess we’ll see. (Via Marvelous News)