
Mario Is Globally Aware, But Kind of Obnoxious About It

Okay. I’m having a difficult time wrapping my head around, but here it goes. Kotaku posted the above video that actual Italians made of Super Mario. These Italians were from the Politecnico di Milano university, and the video was created for a book project to point out “five global trends” for a class book project, a phrase as maddening as it is vague (also, this isn’t a book). So in the video, Mario and is pals… uh… make Fiat car dealerships, fill office buildings with vines, and muck about with a few other classic games. Does this sound  snooty, obnoxious, and a little preachy? Well, it is. But it’s still well-made and kind of cool, assuming this sort of thing doesn’t make you want to recycle your computer in somebody’s head. After that Avatar nonsense, this doesn’t faze me a bit. It’s like a cool breeze that 9-foot-tall blue cat people are not having sex in.