


?Sgt. Slaughter is back. Hasbro will be releasing an all-new 3 3/4-inch Slaughter figure for SDCC. Not only will it have a removable hat and whistle (a whistle!), it’ll have its own variant — and even more impressively, the actual Sgt. Slaughter will be at Hasbro’s SDCC booth for part of the con. Your chances of scoring this figure are laughable, even though Hasbro will likely sell it online after the show. So basically, this is as close as you’re going to get to owning one. Sigh. Remember when SDCC toy exclusives were cool and actually achievable, and thus didn’t drive you despair and possibly murder? People are going to die for these things. Nerds will be knifing each other in the convention center aisles for these things. It’s like Air Jordans all over again. (Via ToyNewsI)