NY Toy Fair ’10 Misc Trifecta II: Torchwood, Lego, Spider-Man
?? I knew Tonner had the Doctor Who license, but I didn’t know they’d grabbed Torchwood, too. Their Captain Jack figure is pretty good, but if you’re at all a fan of either series, do not go looking for the figures of his fellow Torchwood member Gwen Cooper, or Martha Jones or the Doctor. Especially the Doctor. Yeesh. (Via Figures.com)
?? Lego Han in Carbonite. LEGO HAN IN CARBONITE. He’s part of a Lego Slave One with Boba Fett and Bossk here, due by August for $80. I swear to god I’m going to pay $80 for Lego Han in Carbonite, and throw the rest of the damn set in a closet somewhere. (Via Jedi Insider)
? In series 4 of their Marvel Universe toyline, Hasbro is going to make a Mary Jane figure… with Ms. Lion. The dog from Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends. This fills me with such rage and hate and disgust that I don’t even know what to say. (Via Marvelous News)