The iPad’s Sole Purpose Revealed — Comics
I’m a Mac lover. I’m sure this appalls many of you, but I’m not a big tech guy, and Macs are right in my comfort zone. I love my MacBook and my iPhone, but even I couldn’t give less of a shit about the new iPad (since it’s an off amalgamation of the two Apple products I currently own). That is, until I saw Gizmodo’s article on Panelfly’s upcoming iPad-specific comic book app, which looks like if it isn’t the future of American comics, it should be.
Seriously. It’s got a big color screen, an easy interface for flipping through books, and it’ll be easy to navigate. There’ll be no printing cost, prices can go down from $4 a goddamn comic (seriously, that’s absurd) and likely more people will get into Marvel and DC titles when they’re only $1 or $2 a pop in an easy-to-browse iTunes-like store. Seriously, assuming that the iPad has 1/4 of the success the iPhone and iPod have had, if Marvel and DC don’t get on this thing immediately, they’re crazy. All the small publishers should already be begging Panelfly to be a part of this thing.