
Scott Pilgrim Markets It Together


?It’s the first poster for the Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World movie, and while it’s not the most exciting movie poster in the world, it very much seems like an image that could have come directly from the wonderful Bryan Lee O’Malley comic. I can’t tell you how excited I am about this flick, not only because I love the comics, but also because Shaun of the Dead‘s Edgar Wright is directing it; I can’t think of another director and project so well suited to each other. Frankly, if I had to decide between seeing only this and Tron: Legacy, I’d probably just explode. I know there’s some people out there who are concerned about/hate Michael Cera, but I’m not. It’s not his fault that his fantastic role/performance in Arrested Development created Hollywood’s love of the “Michael Cera-type,” or that he’s been cast exclusively in those roles; I think he probably has some range, and he’ll be able to show it off in Scott Pilgrim. For Cera to not only hold his own with the comedy geniuses of Arrested Development but actually steal scenes from them, well, he gets the benefit of the doubt in my book, at least. (Via Comics Alliance)