TR Contest: Most Awful Anime Character
?I’ve wanted to do another anime contest on TR for a while. I know that anime is more divisive a section of nerdery than most subjects, but it hardly seems fair to ignore anime fans just because some people can’t imagine anime being good (as always, if you dismiss an entire genre, you are an idiot. Saying all anime sucks is essentially no different from saying all television shows suck). On the other hand, I always prefer that TR contests be all-inclusive so everyone has a chance to win.So what to do? Well, about three minutes ago, it hit me — what’s the one thing anime fans and non-anime fans have in common? Hating — at least a certain portion of — anime.
So tell me which anime character you hate most and why. I’m a little too fried to think of mine right now (oh, I have plenty of candidates, but I want to be sure) so I’m sure you’ll excuse me using a picture of the generally awful Miaka from Fushigi Yugi as the art here. You each get one entry, the contest ends on March 22nd at 12:01 pm EST, and I’ll be awarding shirts for both the Most Awful Character and the Best Argument Why This Character Is Awful, so people can pick anyone, as long as they have a decent reason behind it. Note: All entries featuring One Piece characters will be instantly deemed invalid, as every single One Piece character is totally awesome. Have a great weekend!