Ha Ha! MGM Thinks It’s Going to Make The Hobbit
After years of bullshit, nonsense and utter incompetence, movie studio MGM has finally announced a start date to making the prequel to one of the financially successful film franchises of all time. Yes, The Hobbit has been “greenlit,” meaning a date has been set to start filming, which happens to be February 2011. Peter Jackson is attached to direct. Yeah.
Not happening.
Sorry to get your hopes up, but just because MGM set a date doesn’t mean they’ve stopped being total fuckwits. Look, they still haven’t cast anyone, including Bilbo; they still haven’t worked out the labor/SAG issues, if they don’t get that figured out they won’t shoot in New Zealand and all the pre-production work will be wasted — there’s still an immense amount of things that have to go right for this movie to actually get made, and just because MGM says they’re shooting in February is no reason to believe they’ll get their shit together. I can mark a date in my calendar; does’t mean I’ll be sober enough to remember when my anniversary rolls around. (Via Blastr)