
Beside the Scenes at the Spider-Man Musical Debacle

Since I’m off Thursday and Friday, there will be no FFF this week (it’s more a break for me than you bastards). But if you want to see something that will disgust you and fill you with contempt for the human race, I’d suggest watching the above video about Spider-Man: Turn Off the Douche Dark from Broadway World, where the wife of the guy who’s playing the Green Goblin epitomizes pretty much every cliche about musical theater people and provides absolutely zero information about the musical itself — even failing to go inside the fucking building. That’s not a typo in the article title; she just hangs around out front and provides no information. Seriously, it was all I could do to not punch my computer monitor after watching this wretchedness. It’s times like these when I remember the sage words of Milk and Cheese: “Fire — it’s the biblical cleanser!”