
Joseph Gordon-Levitt Is Not Alberto Falcone in Batman 3 — Wait, What?


?This past weekend Variety reported that insiders told them that Joseph Gordon-Levitt was going to play Alberto Falcone in The Dark Knight Rises. Then last night Entertainment Weekly reported that insiders told them that Joseph Gordon-Levitt was not going to play Alberto Falcone in The Dark Knight Rises.

So who’s correct? Frankly, I don’t give a shit. Usually I’m smart enough to not cover this sort of bullshit until something’s official, but I got suckered in by the source being Variety and EW. Now I’m annoyed with myself and annoyed with both of them. Look, guys, I’m a goddamn nerd blogger. If I want to write total bullshit, I don’t need your help to do it, all right?

EW didn’t bother to say who their “insiders” say JGL is playing, but the other big rumor is still Black Mask. I honestly hope JGL ends up playing Alberto Falcone who decides to become Black Mask, which would make everyone look stupid. Why the fuck not? It’s not like the Holiday Killer is so beloved a villain that Black Mask wouldn’t be more recognizable, then you still get the tie-in to the first movie, but also the benefits of the Black Mask/Catwoman stories. At any rate, until something is official, I’m done talking about this bullshit.